Li Chiao-Ping Dance (LCPD) was founded in 1991, the year Li premiered her renowned, solo evening work, “Yellow River,” in the Mozart and His Time Festival at Theater Artaud in San Francisco. Critics called it a “...marvelously imaginative...engrossing, intelligently put-together piece of work.” (The San Francisco Bay Guardian) LCPD gave its first company concert in Madison in 1995 at the Isthmus Playhouse. As a resident company at Overture Center for the Arts, LCPD produces two to three major performances each year.

Reflecting and supporting the artistic vision of Li Chiao-Ping and promoting acceptance and respect through our work, LCPD pushes the edges of contemporary/modern dance while producing and presenting highly original performance works. The company offers stimulating, thoughtful, creative, and educational workshops and touring programs for community and pre/professional dance artists, including diverse populations, youth, and older adults.

For the past 20 years, Ms. Li’s work has been presented and screened throughout North and South America, from New York City to Buenos Aires. LCPD has performed at many festivals including Jacob’s Pillow (MA), Bates Dance Festival (ME), American Dance Festival (NC), Dance Now (NY), Highways (CA), Movable Beast Dance Festival, Women on the Edge Festival (CA), Cleveland Dance Festival, and 2000 Feet Festival. LCPD has been presented at The Kennedy Center, Simon Fraser University, York University, Theater Project, Links Hall, UCLA, Julia Morgan Theater, Dance Mission, Alverno College, UC Santa Barbara, University of Utah, University of Maryland at College Park, Hollins University, James Madison University, Duke University, Illinois Wesleyan University, UW- Milwaukee, Virginia Commonwealth University, New York University, Dance Place, Symphony Space, DTW, Joyce SoHo, P.S. 122, ODC Theater, Theater Artaud, Highways Performance Space, ODC Theater, CounterPULSE, Danspace Project at St. Mark’s Church, among others.


Li Chiao-Ping Dance (LCPD) is a non-profit organization that serves to support, produce and promote original, inventive, and thought-provoking contemporary choreography. We strive to enhance the lives of people in our community as well as those we reach nationally and internationally through our educational and professional, creative work.

 LCPD's artist residencies and collaborations, as well as mentorship, workshops, and master classes offer further growth, life-long learning, training, and development. Led by Artistic Director Li Chiao-Ping's creative and holistic vision-- Dancing Through Life, LCPD enhances lives through dance and promotes tolerance and respect of all people.

 We teach dance for our diverse population and for all ages, offering classes for community, pre/professional youth, and pre/professional adults. The DTL philosophy pervades our numerous initiatives. Improve health. Expand knowledge, understanding and acceptance. Mentor, enrich, train, integrate, share and inspire.

 Li Chiao-Ping Dance pushes the edges of contemporary dance, producing and presenting original, imaginative contemporary/modern dance performance works which inspire and move its audiences.  LCPD engages the community through diverse opportunities to experience dance--by doing, performing, seeing, and discussing. Known for her trademark physicality, movement vocabulary and choreographic style, Artistic Director Li Chiao-Ping creates passionate, layered works that combine multiple art forms to explore themes of culture and identity.
